September 5th, 2024
by Connie Pilato
by Connie Pilato
Changes galore!
The old saying that, “The only thing in life that doesn’t change is change itself” is oh so true! At Christ First we have been through a lot of change during the past few months. And, although “What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger” may also be true, it can lead to frustration that we’re strong enough already and don’t want more piled on our plates! Our Bishop now is in charge of two conferences which doubles his workload, our District Superintendent has resigned effective immediately so there are now two Cabinet positions open, and the previous minister of Christ First has left for another denomination. In spite of all of these administrative maneuverings, I can honestly say I’m proud of the church and the way we have all responded to this season of change.
What I am most pleased about is how the laity in the church has stepped up and kept the ministry going since late May. When the acting District Superintendent spoke with me about the needs of Christ First, he also asked me about our strengths. My answer was that throughout this time of trial, the laity has become stronger and taken ownership of the work of running the church. Many are to be commended… Connie, Mel, Steve, Andy, Kenzie, Danica, Kathy, Pam, Christina … way too many people for me to name here. All have pulled together to keep us in smooth operation. I recently was told that if someone new came through our doors, they would be hard pressed to see us as not having a minister, and I agree with that assessment. And so as far as change is concerned, I believe we have become stronger through this experience.
It has been a blessing to me to be once again back with you over the summer months and I will continue our journey together until the end of December as your part-time interim pastor. My role will be to help with any healing that is needed, provide a positive and calm voice, and guide and direct church teams rather than to be “large and in charge” of each group. It has always been my leadership style to walk along side, and lead by example. I will continue to do so as I believe it is an effective leadership method.
Brothers and Sisters, when I think of change, I can’t help but think of sunflowers. A dear friend planted a whole field of those bright yellow , happy faced flowers for her son’s outdoor wedding. Each time I passed that field, I always knew where the sun was in the sky because the flowers changed position to follow the light. I believe there is a lesson for the church. We are to follow the light of Christ, a light more bright and powerful than anything we could imagine to direct us. As Christ’s call on our lives causes us to pause and perhaps change direction, we must be ready to alter positions, to turn, to direct or re-direct our attention as the winds of change come. It is my belief that as a church we are on our way to doing so… perhaps not without some hesitation, some trepidation and even some mistakes. But just as the sunflower faces the challenges of moving and following, so should we.
Once again, I look forward to walking beside all of you as we journey together. May God bless the work we will be undertaking as one family pulling in the same direction.
In Gentleness and Peace,
Pastor Sue Hadley
The old saying that, “The only thing in life that doesn’t change is change itself” is oh so true! At Christ First we have been through a lot of change during the past few months. And, although “What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger” may also be true, it can lead to frustration that we’re strong enough already and don’t want more piled on our plates! Our Bishop now is in charge of two conferences which doubles his workload, our District Superintendent has resigned effective immediately so there are now two Cabinet positions open, and the previous minister of Christ First has left for another denomination. In spite of all of these administrative maneuverings, I can honestly say I’m proud of the church and the way we have all responded to this season of change.
What I am most pleased about is how the laity in the church has stepped up and kept the ministry going since late May. When the acting District Superintendent spoke with me about the needs of Christ First, he also asked me about our strengths. My answer was that throughout this time of trial, the laity has become stronger and taken ownership of the work of running the church. Many are to be commended… Connie, Mel, Steve, Andy, Kenzie, Danica, Kathy, Pam, Christina … way too many people for me to name here. All have pulled together to keep us in smooth operation. I recently was told that if someone new came through our doors, they would be hard pressed to see us as not having a minister, and I agree with that assessment. And so as far as change is concerned, I believe we have become stronger through this experience.
It has been a blessing to me to be once again back with you over the summer months and I will continue our journey together until the end of December as your part-time interim pastor. My role will be to help with any healing that is needed, provide a positive and calm voice, and guide and direct church teams rather than to be “large and in charge” of each group. It has always been my leadership style to walk along side, and lead by example. I will continue to do so as I believe it is an effective leadership method.
Brothers and Sisters, when I think of change, I can’t help but think of sunflowers. A dear friend planted a whole field of those bright yellow , happy faced flowers for her son’s outdoor wedding. Each time I passed that field, I always knew where the sun was in the sky because the flowers changed position to follow the light. I believe there is a lesson for the church. We are to follow the light of Christ, a light more bright and powerful than anything we could imagine to direct us. As Christ’s call on our lives causes us to pause and perhaps change direction, we must be ready to alter positions, to turn, to direct or re-direct our attention as the winds of change come. It is my belief that as a church we are on our way to doing so… perhaps not without some hesitation, some trepidation and even some mistakes. But just as the sunflower faces the challenges of moving and following, so should we.
Once again, I look forward to walking beside all of you as we journey together. May God bless the work we will be undertaking as one family pulling in the same direction.
In Gentleness and Peace,
Pastor Sue Hadley
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