Adult Programs
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
Through various programs we sharpen one another:
CF Connection Programs: Learning and growing from people of all ages.
Homebound ministries: We serve those who can no longer attend church.
Singles Group: Weekly Bible Study and regular outings provide opportunities for fellowship.
Wednesday Bible Study: We challenge each other in a small and safe group.
Sunday School: Our adult Sunday School is a new opportunity to grow together as disciples of Jesus.
Membership Class: A 5-week class will begin in September for those who are interested in Membership or learning more about the UMC.
Recalibration: This is an opportunity to come together over a monthly meal and talk about what the church is doing and where it is going.
Chancel Choir: We make a joyful noise unto the Lord and we support one another in many ways.
CF Connection Programs: Learning and growing from people of all ages.
Homebound ministries: We serve those who can no longer attend church.
Singles Group: Weekly Bible Study and regular outings provide opportunities for fellowship.
Wednesday Bible Study: We challenge each other in a small and safe group.
Sunday School: Our adult Sunday School is a new opportunity to grow together as disciples of Jesus.
Membership Class: A 5-week class will begin in September for those who are interested in Membership or learning more about the UMC.
Recalibration: This is an opportunity to come together over a monthly meal and talk about what the church is doing and where it is going.
Chancel Choir: We make a joyful noise unto the Lord and we support one another in many ways.