May 9th, 2023
by Connie Pilato
by Connie Pilato
Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Once again, it is the time of year when we consider our financial commitment to the Christ First UMC. For some of us, this is just what we do and you will do what you did last year. Others may throw this letter away without reading any further. Still, others may put it in a pile to be lost or discarded at some point in the future. (Please Don’t!)
Christ First UMC has had some significant changes in 2022 and 2023 looks exciting! The Finance Team, Staff Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, and the Advisory Council are all working to reduce expenses, right size staffing, increase mission and ministry, and increase income. All of this takes time and effort. All of this takes YOU!
Personally, I have five initial goals for the coming year:
1) Continue building our children’s ministry, which has already begun with the addition of two new classes and upgrades to our nursery.
2) Get to know our neighbors and make a difference in their lives.
3) Build our adult ministries and develop small groups for accountability and learning.
4) Continue supporting the conference by paying our shared ministries at 100%.
5) Meet our budget through the generosity of our members and constituents with no more funds drawn from our endowments.
All of this takes money. As the leadership and staff of the church work to reduce expenses, we need you to increase income. Everyone can do something and many of us can do more. I am asking you to seriously consider what God is asking you to give to support and grow the ministries of Christ First UMC.
Please fill out the pledge card located on the back page of the newsletter and bring it to church on October 9, 2022. If you cannot attend, please return your pledge card to the church office before that date.
In Generosity and Gratitude,
Rev. Jenni Piatt
Once again, it is the time of year when we consider our financial commitment to the Christ First UMC. For some of us, this is just what we do and you will do what you did last year. Others may throw this letter away without reading any further. Still, others may put it in a pile to be lost or discarded at some point in the future. (Please Don’t!)
Christ First UMC has had some significant changes in 2022 and 2023 looks exciting! The Finance Team, Staff Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, and the Advisory Council are all working to reduce expenses, right size staffing, increase mission and ministry, and increase income. All of this takes time and effort. All of this takes YOU!
Personally, I have five initial goals for the coming year:
1) Continue building our children’s ministry, which has already begun with the addition of two new classes and upgrades to our nursery.
2) Get to know our neighbors and make a difference in their lives.
3) Build our adult ministries and develop small groups for accountability and learning.
4) Continue supporting the conference by paying our shared ministries at 100%.
5) Meet our budget through the generosity of our members and constituents with no more funds drawn from our endowments.
All of this takes money. As the leadership and staff of the church work to reduce expenses, we need you to increase income. Everyone can do something and many of us can do more. I am asking you to seriously consider what God is asking you to give to support and grow the ministries of Christ First UMC.
Please fill out the pledge card located on the back page of the newsletter and bring it to church on October 9, 2022. If you cannot attend, please return your pledge card to the church office before that date.
In Generosity and Gratitude,
Rev. Jenni Piatt
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